Request NCCER Certificate

Request NCCER Industries Certificate

 Records Requests Industry Certifications

  Industry Certification Requests Current Offenders
 Completed Certification Prior to January 1, 2014  Completed Certification After January 1, 2014

 Contact: Rick Jones

 WSD-CTE Department

 Contact: TDCJ Reentry and Integration Division

 4616 W. Howard Lane, Suite 200

 Austin, TX 78728

  Industry Certification Requests Ex-Offenders
 Completed Certification Prior to January 1, 2014  Completed Certification After January 1, 2014

 Contact: the Industry Certifying Organization (see below)

 Contact: TDCJ Reentry and Integration Division

 4616 W. Howard Lane, Suite 200

 Austin, TX 78728

(512) 671-2134 or Toll Free Call: (877) 887-6151 or

or the Industry Certifying Organization (see below)