Students & Family
Long-term student success is the primary goal of the Windham School District (Windham). Established in 1969, Windham provides educational opportunities to residents incarcerated in the Texas Department of Criminal Justice in order to help them develop an impressive skill set, soft skills and earn certifications that will aid them in success upon reentry to our Texas communities. Windham offers programs including academics, life skills and career and technical education that are designated to equip students with the tools necessary to be productive members of their families, careers and communities.
Windham Programs
How does someone enroll in a career and technical education (CTE) class or the Academic program?
Selection for enrollment into Windham School District (Windham) programs is based on an Individualized Treatment Plan (ITP) developed for each resident. Students are placed into educational programs based on the needs and priorities outlined on their ITP. If enrollment is recommended by the ITP, priority is based on the resident’s age, program availability, and projected reentry date. Campus student advisors review each resident’s ITP to determine program eligibility. If a resident is interested in educational programs offered by Windham, they can contact their campus student advisor. All residents are encouraged to ask questions when they attend the Unit Classification Committee, where programs are discussed.
Can someone go to school to learn how to speak and understand English?
Windham offers an English and a Second Language (ESL) course. Enrollment is based on the resident’s ITP.
If a class is not offered where the resident is assigned, can the resident be transferred?
If the resident’s ITP identifies a need or priority for educational services that are not offered at their campus, Windham may transfer the resident to a campus in which that specific program is offered.
I called and spoke to the principal. He would not give me any information about my son. Why not?
Because our students are adults, we need their permission to speak to anyone regarding their educational information. We must have written consent from a student before we can discuss their records or status for enrollment.
Do the libraries accept book donations?
All book donations must be submitted to the Library Services department. There is a that can be emailed to the individual or organization wanting to donate books to Windham. A list of donated books must be submitted along with the form for superintendent approval. Once approved by the superintendent, the book(s) will be accepted by Library Services. The residents are welcome to donate books to the campus libraries. They do not have to fill out a donation form. When donations are accepted at the campus level, all books have to be sent to Library Services to be cataloged.